ОГЛАС – за ангажирање соработник на проектот Carbonica (101087233) – отворен на 03.07.2023

ОГЛАС за ангажирање соработник на проектот Carbonica (101087233), Carbon Initiative For Climate-Resilient Agriculture од програмата HORIZON-CSA (HORIZON-WIDERA-2022-ACCESS-04-01) отворен на 03.07.2023

Агенцијата за поттикнување на развојот на земјоделството има потреба да ангажира еден соработник од областа на економија, електротехника и информациски технологии, агроекономија и менаџмент, како соработник во реализирањето на проектот Carbonica (101087233), Carbon Initiative For Climate-Resilient Agriculture, кој е финансиран од програмата на ЕУ, HORIZON-CSA (HORIZON-WIDERA-2022-ACCESS-04-01) до завршувањето на проектот, односно до 31 декември 2026 година.

  1. За проектот

Климатските промени се еден од најголемите глобални проблеми и предизвици на денешницата, кој е особено поврзан со зголемената концентрација на стакленичките гасови во атмосферата. Земјоделството како стопанска активност претставува значаен извор на стакленички гасови. Земјоделските почви имаат улога на извори и складишта чиишто емисии на стакленички гасови природно зависат од биотски и абиотски фактори, како и од антропогеното влијание (начинот на управување со земјоделските почви). Една од основните цели на проектот е да се проучат и препорачаат начини и техники на производство кои придонесуваат за намалување на емисијата на стакленички гасови во земјоделството.

  1. Позиција и опсег на работа

Соработник од областа на економија, електротехника и информациски технологии, агроекономија и менаџмент: се обврзува да работи консултантски услуги при реализација, координација, буџетирање и подготовка на финансиски извештаи согласно со барањата на проектот, како и да подготвува висококвалитетни ИТ решенија и деловна анализа на процеси во различни индустрии заснована на долгорочно практично искуство во управување со проекти и имплементација на ИТ решенија, во комбинација со академска позадина во управување со проекти, деловна анализа и софтверски решенија.

  1. Начин на пријавување и селекција

Заинтересираните кандидати треба да достават кратка биографија (CV) и други документи кои ги истакнуваат нивните вештини за наведената позиција, најдоцна до 07 јули 2023 година, на следната електронска пошта:

Насловот на пораката треба да биде во следниот формат:

Соработник од областа на економија, електротехника и информациски технологии, агроекономија и менаџмент – [Име и презиме на кандидатот]

Само кандидатите кои ги задоволуваат критериумите за избор ќе бидат предмет на разгледување, селекција и избор од страна на Комисијата за евалуација.

Лице за контакт:

Златко Сирета 

Електронска пошта:

Тел.: 072 252 431

CARBONICA – Open call for Coordinator and Expert in Economics – 13 April 2023 – CLOSED

The National Extension Agency (NEA) implements an EU funded project “Carbon Initiative for Climate-resilient Agriculture – CARBONICA”. For successful realization of the project activities, NEA opens the call for engaging an external expert for the position of a Coordinator and Expert in Economics, who will be contracted on the basis of a consulting contract for a period of the total project duration (48 months). The description of the tasks and necessary qualifications for the above position are presented in the attached Terms of Reference (ToR) for Coordinator and Expert in Economics.

For all additional information the interested candidates should contact us on the following e-mail address:

The interested candidates should fill in the attached application form and send their CV to the e-mail address not later than April 24th, 2023.

 The Coordinator and Expert in Economics is expected to contribute to the Project’s main objective for establishment of CARBONICA Excellence Hub by connecting the innovation ecosystems of Cyprus, Greece and North Macedonia, while enhancing their TRL as service providers, based on cutting-edge technologies (Earth Observation – EO; in situ data; digital agriculture etc.) in carbon farming.

The selected candidate will be authorized to represent NEA in the Project as well in the meetings with key parties, partners, stakeholders and other organizations.

The Coordinator and Expert in Economics will work under the direct supervision of the Director of the National Extension Agency and in close cooperation with the Authorized Head of Agriculture and Rural Development Department, as well as with the other project team members.

ToR_Coordinator&Economist [DOWNLOAD]

Application Form_template_Coordinator&Economist [DOWNLOAD]

CARBONICA – Open call for Project Manager and Agricultural Economics Expert – 13 April 2023 – CLOSED

The National Extension Agency (NEA) implements an EU funded project “Carbon Initiative for Climate-resilient Agriculture – CARBONICA”. For successful realization of the project activities, NEA opens the call for engaging an external expert for the position of a Project Manager and Agricultural Economics expert, who will be contracted on the basis of a consulting contract for a period of the total project duration (48 months). The description of the tasks and necessary qualifications for the above position are presented in the attached Terms of Reference (ToR) for Project Manager and Agricultural Economics Expert.

For all additional information the interested candidates should contact us on the following e-mail address:

The interested candidates should fill in the attached application form and send their CV to the e-mail address not later than April 24th, 2023.

The Project Manager and Agricultural Economics expert is expected to contribute to the Project’s main objective for establishment of CARBONICA Excellence Hub by connecting the innovation ecosystems of Cyprus, Greece and North Macedonia, while enhancing their TRL as service providers, based on cutting-edge technologies (Earth Observation – EO; in situ data; digital agriculture etc.) in carbon farming.

The selected candidate will be authorized to represent NEA in the Project as well in the meetings with key parties, partners, stakeholders and other organizations.

The Project Manager and Agricultural Economics expert will work under the direct supervision of the Director of the National Extension Agency and in close cooperation with the Authorized Head of Agriculture and Rural Development Department, as well as with the other project team members.

ToR_ Project Manager&Agri. Economist [DOWNLOAD]

Application Form_template_Project Manager&Agri. Economist [DOWNLOAD]

CARBONICA Open call for Technical Staff-Veterinary/Livestock Expert  13 April 2023 – CLOSED

The National Extension Agency (NEA) implements an EU funded project “Carbon Initiative for Climate-resilient Agriculture – CARBONICA”. For successful realization of the project activities, NEA opens the call for engaging an external expert for the position of a Technical Staff-Veterinary/Livestock Expert, who will be contracted on the basis of a consulting contract for a period of the total project duration (48 months). The description of the tasks and necessary qualifications for the above position are presented in the attached Terms of Reference (ToR) for Technical Staff-Veterinary/Livestock Expert.

For all additional information the interested candidates should contact us on the following e-mail address:

The interested candidates should fill in the attached application form and send their CV to the e-mail address not later than April 24th, 2023.

The Technical Staff-Veterinary/Livestock Expert is expected to contribute to the Project’s main objective for establishment of CARBONICA Excellence Hub by connecting the innovation ecosystems of Cyprus, Greece and North Macedonia, while enhancing their TRL as service providers, based on cutting-edge technologies (Earth Observation – EO; in situ data; digital agriculture etc.) in carbon farming.

The selected candidate will be authorized to represent NEA in the Project as well in the meetings with key parties, partners, stakeholders and other organizations.

The Technical Staff-Veterinary/Livestock Expert will work under the direct supervision of the Director of the National Extension Agency and in close cooperation with the Authorized Head of Agriculture and Rural Development Department, as well as with the other project team members.

ToR_Technical Staff&Veterinary-Livestock [DOWNLOAD]

Application Form_template_Technical Staff&Veterinary-Livestock [DOWNLOAD]

CARBONICA – Open call for Administration/Financial Manager – 13 April 2023 – CLOSED

The National Extension Agency (NEA) implements an EU funded project “Carbon Initiative for Climate-resilient Agriculture – CARBONICA”. For successful realization of the project activities, NEA opens the call for engaging an external expert for the position of an Administration/Financial Manager, who will be contracted on the basis of a consulting contract for a period of the total project duration (48 months). The description of the tasks and necessary qualifications for the above position are presented in the attached Terms of Reference (ToR) for Administration/Financial Manager.

For all additional information the interested candidates should contact us on the following e-mail address:

The interested candidates should fill in the attached application form and send their CV to the e-mail address not later than April 24th, 2023.

The Administration/Financial Manager is expected to contribute to the Project’s main objective for establishment of CARBONICA Excellence Hub by connecting the innovation ecosystems of Cyprus, Greece and North Macedonia, while enhancing their TRL as service providers, based on cutting-edge technologies (Earth Observation – EO; in situ data; digital agriculture etc.) in carbon farming.

The selected candidate will be authorized to represent NEA in the Project as well in the meetings with key parties, partners, stakeholders and other organizations.

The Administration/Financial Manager will work under the direct supervision of the Director of the National Extension Agency and in close cooperation with the Authorized Head of Agriculture and Rural Development Department, as well as with the other project team members.

ToR_ Admin-Financial Manager [DOWNLOAD]

Application Form_template_Admin-Financial Manager [DOWNLOAD]